What We Do

Debt & Equity Financial Advisory


We structure and market private transactions through our network of local family offices, high net worth individuals, local & international asset managers,  development and finance institutions and diversified strategic/trade investors.

Management Buy Out & Buy In (MBO/MBI)


We offer advisory services for MBO/MBIs including business valuations, financial modelling, preliminary legal structuring, target selection, negotiation support and coordination of other professional advisors in the team.

Other Support Services


banner6Our highly qualified team coupled with our vast  consultant database offers top-notch transaction support services such as business planning, drafting of strategy paper, feasibility assessments and due diligence studies among others, depending on the different needs of our clients.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)


With transactional proficiency in buy- and sell-side representation, our M&A services assist companies identify, evaluate and execute strategic mergers, acquisitions or divestment opportunities. We provide the required advisory services including in-depth industry review, deal negotiation, independent business valuations, coordination of external professional advisors, etc

Independent Valuations

banner5We provide independent business valuation services using different global standard methodologies, in support of a wide range of private and public transactions.